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We are celebrating 6th birthday of Colway International!

We are celebrating 6th birthday of Colway International!

We are celebrating 6th birthday of Colway International!

16/21 QW (24.04.-26.04.2021)

This weekend we will celebrate the sixth birthday of Colway International!

This is a particularly important day for the entire Colway International Team, but also for you - dear Partner, because your work contributed to another, sixth year of Colway International S.A. operations.

When we invite guests to a birthday party, we usually offer them a cake. We have prepared a cake with real cherries on top for this weekend! Your favourite, best-selling products with birthday super prices, but that's not all!

As befits a collagen company - the star of the party - Native Collagen Pure will appear with a 20% discount.

Right next to it, an honourable place will be taken by the queen of dietary supplements - Vitamin C with collagen also with a 20% discount!

For those who place an order for a minimum of 100 VPs, Native Collagen Pure for 0.01 EUR / 0,01 GBP will be waiting in the basket.

In addition, everyone who places any order this birthday weekend will receive our best-selling Happy Together - native collagen magazine for a symbolic amount of 0.01 EUR/ 0,01 GBP

Dear partners! Please accept our birthday gifts and let's celebrate our success together!

The offer is valid from the status of: Registered Customer

Offer available: 23.04.-26.04.2021.

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